Remote Programming 51
SCPI Data Formats
All data programmed to or returned from the power supply is ASCII. The data may be numerical or character string.
Numerical Data
Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 summarize the numerical formats.
Table 6-1. Numerical Data Formats
Symbol Data Form
Talking Formats
<NR1> Digits with an implied decimal point assumed at the right of the least-significant
digit. Examples: 273 0273
Digits with an explicit decimal point. Example: 273. .0273
Digits with an explicit decimal point and an exponent. Example: 2.73E+2 273.0E-2
Listening Formats
Extended format that includes <NR1>, <NR2> and <NR3>. Examples: 273 273.
Expanded decimal format that includes <NRf>, MIN and MAX. Examples: 273
273. 2.73E2 MAX. MIN and MAX are the minimum and maximum limit values
that are implicit in the range specification for the parameter.
Table 6-2. Suffixes and Multipliers
Class Suffix Unit Unit with Multiplier
Current A Ampere MA (milliampere)
Amplitude V Volt MV (millivolt)
Time S second MS (millisecond)
Common Multipliers
lE3 K kilo
1E-3 M milli
1E-6 U micro
Boolean Data
Either form {1|0} or {ON|OFF} may be sent with commands. Queries always return 1 or 0.
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Character Data
For query statements, character strings may be returned in either of the forms shown in Table 6-3, depending on the length
of the returned string.
Table 6-3. Character Data Formats
Character Response Data. Permits the return of character strings.
Arbitrary ASCII Response Data. Permits the return of undelimited 7-bit ASCII. This data type has
an implied message terminator.
The IEEE 488.2 format for a string parameter requires that the string be enclosed within either single
(’ ’) or double (" ") quotes. Be certain that your program statements comply with this requirement.