56 Remote Programming
Display returns to meter mode
If you try to enter a forbidden number, ADDR ERROR is displayed.
The following examples show how to set addresses:
To set stand-along primary address 6, press
To set direct unit primary address 6, press
To set linked secondary address 1, press
To set linked secondary address 12, press
Note The power supply display will reset (recall the state in location 0) whenever you change between the
following types of GPIB addresses:
A stand-alone primary address and a direct primary address.
A direct primary address and a secondary address.
Assigning the GPIB Address In Programs
The following examples assume that the GPIB select code is 7, the the power supply is 6, and that the power supply address
will be assigned to the variable @PS.
1000 !Stand-alone address. The power supply will respond if it is set to 6
1010 PS=706 !Statement for Agilent 82335A Interface
1010 ASSIGN @PS TO 706 ! Statement for Agilent BASIC Interface
1020 !Direct address. The power supply will respond if it is set to 6. or 6.0
1030 PS-70600 ! Statement for Agilent 82335A Interface
1030 ASSIGN @PS TO 70600 ! Statement for Agilent BASIC Interface
1040 !Linked address 1. The power supply will respond if it is set to address .1 and is serially connected to a
unit at direct address 6.0
1050 PS=706.01 !Agilent 82335A Interface
1090 ASSIGN @PS TO 706.01 !Agilent BASIC Interface
For systems using the National Instruments DOS driver, the address is specified in the software configuration program
(IBCONFIG.EXE) and assigned a symbolic name. The address then is referenced only by this name within the application
program (see the National Instruments GP-IB documentation).