The FS2010 is a 32/64 bit, 0 to 133Mhz PCI-X State and Timing adapter probe
for use with Agilent logic analyzers. This card has a universal card edge
connector and a 3.3v extender card connector. The FS2010 PCI-X State/Timing
adapter probe and extender card performs three functions.
• The first is to act as an extender card, physically extending a module up
approximately 1.5 inches from the motherboard connector.
• The second is to provide a complete timing analysis interface between any
PCI-X add-in slot and Agilent Logic Analyzers.
• The third is to provide a complete state analysis interface and software
decode of the PCI-X traffic between any PCI-X add-in slot and Agilent Logic
The State/Timing Adapter Probe interface is a passive bus monitor which does
not assert any signals on the PCI-X bus. Because the FS2010 interface does
not actively buffer the PCI-X bus signals, negligible skew is introduced.
The configuration software on the diskette sets up the format menu of the logic
analyzer for compatibility with your PCI-X bus.
This manual is organized to help you quickly find the information you need.
• Analyzing the PCI-X Local Bus chapter introduces you to the FS2010 and
lists the minimum equipment required and accessories supplied for PCI-X
bus analysis.
• The State Analysis chapter explains how to configure the FS2010 to
perform state analysis on your PCI-X bus.
• The Timing Analysis chapter explains how to configure the FS2010 to
perform timing analysis on your PCI-X bus.
• The General Information chapter provides information on the operating
characteristics, the test point and cable header pinout and the mechanical
drawing for the FS2010 module.
How to Use This