
Analyzing the PCI-X
Local Bus
This chapter introduces you to the FS2010 and lists the minimum
equipment required and accessories supplied for PCI-X Local Bus
analysis. This chapter also contains information that is common to both
state and timing analysis.
The FS2010 product consists of the following accessories:
The FS2010 probe.
1 Diskette containing the configuration files and the FS2010 PCI-X
decoder for 167xx analyzer.
A CD containing the setup file to install the configuration files and
protocol decoder on the 1680/90/900 analyzer or to use as an offline
This operating manual on CD, Quick Start sheet, and SW
Entitlement certificates for the software.
The minimum equipment required for analysis of a PCI-X Local Bus
consists of the following equipment:
Agilent 16700 analysis frame with the 16715 analyzer card or better.
Revision 2.80.00 or better of the Agilent Logic analysis frame
1680/90/900 Logic analyzer or PC containing Agilent 1680/90/900
OS version 3.00.00 or better.
The FS2010 Product
A PCI-X target bus
The type of logic analyzer card used will determine the correct type of
termination adapter needed. For analyzer cards that use the 40 pin
header, 1671x, 1674x, 16750/1/2, 1691x you will need the E5385A
(FuturePlus number is FS1015) termination adapter cables. For
analyzer cards that use the 90 pin header, 16753/4/5/6, 1695x you will
need the E5378A (FuturePlus number is FS1014) termination adapter.
A total of 3 adapter cables are required for 64 bit data width capture.
Minimum Equipment
Equipment Required