Configuring Power over Ethernet Parameters Installing and Managing Power over Ethernet (PoE)
page 3-6 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Hardware Users Guide September 2006
Disabling PoE
To disable PoE on a particular slot or port, use the lanpower stop command.
To disable PoE on a specific PoE-capable port, enter a slot/port number. For example:
-> lanpower stop 8/22
To disable PoE for all PoE-capable ports in a slot, enter the corresponding slot number only.
For example:
-> lanpower stop 8
Configuring the Total Power Allocated to a Port
By default, PoE automatically allocates 15400 milliwatts for each port on the OmniSwitch 6600-P24
switch. In other words, each port is authorized by the system software to use up to 15400 milliwatts to
power any attached device.
You can either increase or decrease this value. Values may range from 3000 to 20000 milliwatts.
Increasing the total power allocated to an individual port may provide a more demanding Powered Device
(PD) with additional power required for operation. Decreasing the total power allocated to a port helps
preserve inline power and assists in the overall management of the switch’s power budget.
To increase or decrease the total power allocated to an individual port, use the lanpower power command.
Because you are setting the power allowance for an individual port, you must specify a
slot/port number in the command line. For example, the syntax
-> lanpower 3/12 power 3000
reduces the power allowance on port 12 of the OmniSwitch 6600-P24 switch 3 to 3000 milliwatts. This
new value is now the maximum amount of power the port can use to power any attached device (until the
value is modified by the user).
Configuring the Total Power Allocated to a Switch
Like the maximum port power allowance, the system software also provides a maximum slot-wide power
allowance. By default, the switch allocates 210 watts for each OmniSwitch 6600-P24 installed in a stack.
In other words, each slot is authorized by the system software to use up to 210 watts to power all devices
connected to its ports.
As with the maximum port power allowance, the user can either increase or decrease this value. Values
may range from 37 to 210 watts.
Increasing the total power allocated to a slot may provide more demanding Powered Devices (PDs) with
additional power required for operation. Decreasing the total power allocated to a slot helps preserve inline
power and assists in the overall management of the switch’s power budget.
Important. Before changing the maximum slot-wide power allowance, you must disable PoE for the slot
via the lanpower stop command. Once the new value is assigned, re-enable PoE for the slot via the
lanpower start command.