OmniSwitch 6600 Family Hardware Users Guide September 2006 page 1-1
1 OmniSwitch 6600 Family
The OmniSwitch 6600 Family switches consist of the OmniSwitch 6624 (OS6624), OmniSwitch 6600-
U24 (OS6600-U24), OmniSwitch 6600-P24 (OS6600-P24), OmniSwitch 6648 (OS6648), OmniSwitch
6602-24 (OS6602-24), and the OmniSwitch 6602-48 (OS6602-48). The OmniSwitch 6600 Family
switches are next generation enterprise edge/workgroup switches. These switches are based on the same
software architecture as OmniSwitch 7000 and 8000 Family switches (i.e., OS7700, OS7800, and
OS8800) and are designed to meet the most stringent network requirements for mission-critical networks.
OmniSwitch 6600 Family switches are optimized for voice and data integration and provide non-blocking
multi-Gigabit Ethernet capacity. Additional features include Carrier-class intelligence, best of breed QoS,
Carrier-class resiliency, network management, and advanced policy-based VLANs and security.
OmniSwitch 6600 Family switches also support wirespeed Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching, industry-based
standards, and a full array of reliability, redundancy and resiliency capabilities.