
VitalSuite Performance Management Software
VitalSuite consists of the following product components:
VitalNet/Vital Real-time: the industry’s most complete
network performance management solution, monitors
routers, switches, servers and transport traffic with real-time
advanced event analysis and path analysis. It provides
unparalleled end-to-end, top-to-bottom visibility into
network performance. VitalNet helps users benchmark
network behavior, efficiently troubleshoot network problems
and optimize the performance of the network devices.
VitalApps: Client, network and server application
monitoring with real-time application event management
and help desk integration. It is specifically designed to
provide aggregated views of application performance
across the network and into and through the enterprise. It
utilizes data gathered by VitalAgent software installed on
individual PCs to monitor every transaction from the
desktop, across local and remote links, through hubs,
switches and routers to the destination server and back
again. It delivers visibility into how users are experiencing
application performance and availability.
VitalART: Wizard-based, custom report generator Advanced
Reporting Toolkit software. The flexible formatting power of
VitalART software allows one to easily transform network
performance data to dynamic, custom reports and quickly
determine the status of the network infrastructure.
Key selling points:
Increase quality of service by
maximizing available bandwidth,
manage time sensitive services and
assuring QoS & SLA success
Improve operatonal efficiency by
maximize network availability, detect
and sectionalize network troubles,
centralize and consolidate operations,
optimize staff and training
Maximize revenue with improved
service availability, reduced MTTR
and deliver on SLA commitments