
ComcodesVitalSuite Performance Management Server for Enterprises
VitalSuite CD-ROM for Windows servers 300955374
VitalSuite CD-ROM for SUN Solaris platform 300955382
VitalSuite APPS is not available on Unix.
VitalSuite Paperback documentation 300960747
VitalSuite base server with 1 RTU included for Windows servers 300960721
VitalSuite base server with 1 RTU included for SUN Solaris platform
VitalSuite APPS is not available on Unix.
VitalSuite Additional 1 RTU 300955390
requires purchase of VitalSuite base server
VitalSuite Additional 10 RTU 300955408
requires base server Windows or Solaris
VitalSuite Additional 100 RTU 300955416
requires base server Windows or Solaris
VitalSuite SIP VoiP agent stat (1 Agent) 300955424
VitalSuite base server required
VitalSuite Cisco Netflow RMON * 1 interface 300589165
VitalSuite base server required
VitalSuite ART for 1 server with 1 or 2 CPUs 300955432
VitalSuite base server required
VitalSuite APPS Agent 300955424
– pack of 25 Windows Desktop Agents, pack of 5 Mid-Tier Agent or pack of 5 Automon or any other combination
as long it is equal to a total of 25 agents using 5 to 1 ration for Mid-Tier or Automon
VitalSuite APPS requires a dedicated Windows server
VitalSuite ODBC Driver per additional Solaris Server 300957057
1 RTU = 1VoIP device (IP PBX, Mediagateway, Trunking gateway, VoIP Gateway), or
1 RTU = 10 switches or 10 routers or 10 servers or 1000 IP Phones
For Windows servers: PC hardware and Microsoft Windows, SQL servers need to be purchased separately
Solaris servers: SUN hardware and SUN Solaris plus Oracle need to be purchased separately
Technical support is calculated on the total amount of VitalSuite licenses. Yearly fee starting at ordering date.