Song Mode
Song Mode: The MISC Page
4. A new End point is entered on the EVENTS page.
5. Using the Track-edit functions Copy, Insert, and Delete to alter the song’s length.
The End point of a song is used as a loop point in Loop and UnLoop modes, and it defines the
Fixed Length of a song when you record in FixLen mode.
Linear: Record as if you had a nearly endless length of “tape.”
FixLen: The song will not continue recording past the End point of the song when the RecMode
is set to Fixed Length. Recording will automatically stop at the End point.
Loop: While RECORDING, the song will play the data between 1 : 1 and the End point over and
over, allowing you to overdub in each pass if the Mode parameter on the MAIN Song-mode
page is set to Merge. Make sure the Mode parameter is set to Merge if you intend to overdub in
Loop Record, or else each consecutive pass in Loop RecMode will erase the data recorded on the
previous pass. While you are still recording in Loop mode, you may selectively erase individual
note events by pressing and holding the Enter button and depressing the desired notes on the
keyboard during the times you would like them erased. Once the song is saved, you can not use
this feature to erase individual notes.
UnLoop: When recording in UnLoop RecMode, any existing tracks will be played back as if they
were looping from Bar 1 : Beat 1 to the End point, but they are actually being re-recorded
linearly over absolute Bars and Beats until you press Stop. UnLoop allows you to record a linear
track over a short looping section without first having to copy the section over and over again to
achieve a new desired Song length. The End point of the Song is extended to the downbeat of
the (empty) Bar immediately following the last Bar you were recording when Stop was pressed.
For example, let’s say you’ve a recorded a four-bar drum loop and now want to record an
eight-bar bass line. This would be a situation where UnLoop would come in handy. While the
drum track keeps looping, the bass track will record in linear fashion, and the end point will be
moved to the point at which you press Stop. Actually, the drum track will also change. It will
play through its loop twice, but while the information is repeating in the loop, it will be recorded
to the track. So now if you look at the drum track, you will see information in bars 5-8 (a
duplicate of the information in bars 1-4).
Auto: Set RecMode to Auto to punch-in record, (either in merge or erase mode), on a track
between the Bars and Beats Defined in AutoIn and AutoOut. To punch in and continue
recording until you press Stop, set the AutoOut point before the AutoIn point.
The PlayMode setting, along with the End point, determine how the song or songs are played
back. The song’s PlayMode setting will be ignored when the song is included as a step in an
Linear: Set the PlayMode to Linear to hear the current song played only once, from the song
position set in the Locate parameter to the End point. The song will be returned to the Locate
Bar and Beat when it reaches the End point.
Loop: The Loop PlayMode will loop the current song from the End point back to Bar 1, Beat 1
continually during playback until Stop is pressed.
List: song objects in memory can be played back to back in numerical ID order starting from the
current song followed by the song with the next highest ID. Once the current song reaches its
End point, immediately the CurSong parameter is updated to the next highest song object ID
and it will play from Bar 1, Beat 1 to its End point. When the song with the highest ID in