Contemporary ROM Block Objects
Program Control Assignments
Program Control Assignments
This list describes how each of the preset programs can be modulated or altered by various
controllers. Only those control assignments that may not be immediately evident are listed.
Control assignments like attack velocity and keynumber apply to most programs.
Prg ID Program Name Mod Wheel Data MPress Comments
Ethnic / World Instruments
800 Jungle Jam
This program uses the mirror image drum mapping, symmetrical around D4. Identical or similar drum articulations are
found at equal distances above and below D4, with extras outside the center region.
Mod wheel disables layered “chirps" and fades rain stick on A0.
Data slider enables "screamers" on G5-C6.
801 Mbira Stack Vibrato
802 Ritual Metals Vibrato Vibrato
803 Prepared Mbira Pitch change
804 Balinesque Pan flute fade
805 Ambient Bells Vibrato Vibrato
806 World Jam 1 Pitch change Mirror image drum mapping
807 World Jam 2 Pitch change Layer pitch Mirror image drum mapping
808 India Jam
Tablas appear at center with the mirror-image mapping, tuned to C.
Pressure controls pitch for the bayan and RH lead sound.
LH drone may be played as broken chord C2,G2,C3,G3 and held with sustain or sostenuto.
Mod Wheel fades the drone.
Data Slider controls Wet/Dry mix.
809 Slo Wood Flute Less tremolo Filter ctl
810 Hybrid Pan Flute Tremolo Tremolo
811 Chiff Brass Lead Vibrato, Swell Unison layers Vibrato, Filter
812 Bell Players Muzhar fade Tibetan cym env ctl
813 Prs Koto Pitch mod
814 Medicine Man
815 Mbira Release ctl Tremolo
816 Kotobira Mbira balance
817 Cartoon Perc Wet/Dry mix
818 CowGogiBell Alt start Layer select
819 Perc Pan Lead Vibrato
820 Trippy Organ Vibrato Vibrato
821 Koto Followers Vibrato Vibrato
822 Hybrid Horn Balance (bell) Timbre ctl, Vibrato
823 Dyno EP Lead Tremolo, Env ctl
824 ParaKoto Pad tremolo
825 Super Clav Phase clav enable Disable release Filter rate
826 StrataClav Vibrato Vibrato
827 Touch Clav EQ, Vibrato Disables release Filter control
828 Bad Klav
829 Rad Rotor Rotary speaker
830 B-2001 Rotary speaker Perc balance Rotary speaker
831 Perc Organ Rotary speaker Perc balance Rotary speaker
832 Drawbar Organ CS Rotary speaker Filter ctl
Brass and Reeds
833 Bebop Alto Sax Attack ctl Vibrato
834 Soft Alto Sax Vibrato, Swell
835 Soprano Sax Vibrato, Swell Vibrato, Swell
836 Low Soft Sax Vibrato
837 Air Reeds CS Vibrato Harmonica enable Harmonica vibrato