1. Connect the SR-16 MIDI out to the DataDisk (DD) MIDI in.
2. Insert a formatted disk into the DD and proceed to the next step. If the disk is not formatted, insert it in the drive
and press the DD Format switch. When the DD display says FORMAT DISK?, press DO/YES. When the display
says ARE YOU SURE? press DO/YES again.
3. Press the DD RECEIVE button. The display says RECV ONE SYSEX: WAITING FOR DATA.
4. Press the SR-16 BACKUP button (if you are not already in the backup function) and select Page 1.
5. Press the SR-16 PLAY button. The SR-16 display says SENDING MIDIā¦ and the DD display says RECEIVING
Alesis SR-16 to indicate that data has been received.
6. To prevent future confusion, name the DD file using the DD NAME function.
The SR-16 will automatically load SR-16 system exclusive data present at its MIDI input.
Therefore, there is no associated function page since reception can occur at any time that a
sys ex storage device or another SR-16 sends data through its MIDI out into the SR-16's MIDI
in. If the SR-16 receives sys ex while a Pattern or Song is playing, the Pattern or Song will
stop. Song 99 will be selected once the dump is finished.
The SR-16 is compatible only with SR-16 system exclusive data; for example, you cannot
load system exclusive data from another drum machine into the SR-16.
The following describes how to load data from the Alesis DataDisk; other system exclusive
storage devices work similarly, but please refer to the owner's manual for your particular
device to find out how to set it up to send MIDI sys ex data.
NOTE: When loading a single drum set in sys ex, be sure and save the set to a user drum set
memory location before changing patterns. If you change Patterns before saving the drum
set, the drum set will be lost.
Loading from DataDisk
1. Connect the DD MIDI out to the SR-16 MIDI in.
2. Insert the disk into the DD that contains the file to be loaded into the SR-16.
3. Press the DD SEND button. The display says SEND FILE Alesis SR-16 (filename)?
4. Press the DD DO/YES button. The SR-16 automatically senses the presence of this data; no button-pushing is
required. The DD display says SENDING: Alesis SR-16 (filename), the SR-16 display says LOADING MIDI. Note
that loading sys ex data overwrites all existing SR-16 memory.
5. The SR-16 will now be set to Song 99.