Background You may just want to load one Song from tape rather than all data. A Song being loaded from tape
will take its original position in memory (e.g., SONG 32 will reload back into SONG 32) and will overwrite any data
currently stored in that location.
When you select Page 7, the display will show the approximate amount of free memory
available (expressed as a percentage of the total amount).
Background It is important to check memory from time to time because the SR-16 always requires some free
memory for proper operation. If the available memory falls below 15% or so, immediately save the SR-16's data as
previously described in this chapter.
Some operations may not be possible even if a small amount of memory is left. This is because the SR-16
duplicates a Pattern before it is modified (length change, offset change, etc.). If you try to alter a Pattern that takes
up more memory than is available, the display will tell you that there is no more memory left.
Immediately save the SR-16's data, and determine whether you can erase any unwanted Patterns or Songs to free
up some memory.