Safety Section 1-8
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
GRIZZLY 66 01/05
Relieve hydraulic pressure prior to doing any maintenance or repair work on the Implement.
Place the Mower Head on the ground or securely supported on blocks or stands, disengage
the PTO, and turn off the engine. Push and pull the control Levers or Joystick several times
to relieve pressure prior to starting any maintenance or repair work. (SBM-6)
Always keep a careful lookout and use extreme care when working
around overhead obstructions. Never allow the Mower head or boom
within 10 feet of any power line. When working close to overhead power
lines consult your electric company for a safe code of operation.
Never operate the Tractor and Mower Unit without an OPS (Operators
Protective Structure) or Cab to prevent injury from objects thrown from
ground or from overhead trimming. Stop mowing if workers or passersby
are with in 100 yards. (SBM-9)
Never Leave the mower unattended while the head is in the
raised position. The mower could fall causing serious injury
to anyone who might inadvertently be under the mower
The rotating parts of this machine continue to rotate even after the Tractor has been turned off. The
operator should remain in his seat for 60 seconds after the brake has been set, the PTO
disengaged, the tractor turned off, and all evidence of rotation has ceased. (SBM-5)
“Wait a minute...Save a life!”
The Mower shaft speed must not - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES - exceed 1800 RPM. (SBM-15)
Alamo Industrial mowers use balanced and matched system components for blade carriers, blades,
cuttershafts, knives, knife hangers, rollers, drivetrain components, and bearings. These parts are made and
tested to Alamo Industrial specifications. Non-genuine "will fit" parts do not consistently meet these
specifications. The use of “will fit” parts may reduce mower performance, void mower warranties, and present
a safety hazard. Use genuine Alamo Industrial mower parts for economy and safety. (SPAM-1)
In addition to the design and configuration of this Implement, including Safety Signs and Safety Equipment, hazard
control and accident prevention are dependent upon the awareness, concern, prudence, and proper training of
personnel involved in the operation, transport, maintenance, and storage of the machine. Refer also to Safety
Messages and operation instruction in each of the appropriate sections of the Tractor and Equipment Manuals.
Pay close attention to the Safety Signs affixed to the Tractor and Equipment. (SG-18)