Introduction Section 2-2
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
GRIZZLY 66 01/05
The Grizzly is a dependable machine designed specifically for removal of brush, scrub, shrubbery, small trees and
other undergrowth in rural areas. This machine is not recommended for use in populated and built-up areas.
The Grizzly utilizes hydraulically driven rotating steel blades, rotating disc with cutter bits, or a rotating arbor with
flail hammers. It is usually mounted on the hydraulic boom arm of a tractor, excavator or similar carrier, and
employs the hydraulics system of the carrier for operation of the hydraulic drive motor.
A steel shroud encloses the cutting disc to contain the cuttings and direct them downwards. However, it is
possible for occasional ricochets to escape from under the shroud, particularly if the Grizzly is tipped away from
the horizontal. (See "Safe Section", Section 1). Special precautions must be taken when using the Grizzly in busy
traffic areas.
Under no circumstances will Alamo Industrial accept responsibilty or liability for personal injury or property
damage resulting from the operation of this machine. DO NOT use this machine in the vicinity of people, animals
or structures. Such use is entirely at the risk and responsibility of the operator(s).
The cutter bits are mounted on the rim, upper face and lower face. The disc is mounted on a steel shaft driven
directly by the hydraulic motor.
It is the intention of this manual to inform owners and their operators of some of the dangers inherent in the use
of this equipment. The machine is an effective, durable and simple tool and when used correctly will provide
satisfactory results with minimal danger. These warnings are intended to help ensure that operators and
maintenance personnel treat the machine with the respect and care that a powered, edged tool demands and
enjoy trouble-free and safe usage. Do not let accidents happen through ignorance, carelessness or improper use.
Shock loads are absorbed by the cross over relief valve on the driven motor.
The brushcutters have been designed to help alleviate the environmental problems associated with the increased
use of chemical defoliants.
Suited for clearing roadway or off-highway rights-of-way, clearing of power line underbrush, pipeline rights-of-way,
and forestry thining in dense growth, the brushcutters are both efficient and environmentally acceptable.
Brushcutters are so efficient that the operator can pass from dense brush cutting to grass cutting with the same