
Chapter 11: Board Configuration
124 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
Double-click the board you want to configure, and a Board Configuration window
opens, similar to the following:
Figure 2. Board Configuration window
These are the attributes and buttons in the Board Configuration window (see each board
type in the sections that follow for additional notes on each type):
Parameter Description
Board Info Board Logical ID: assigned by AltiWare.
Board Name: the type of board installed in the
system and its physical ID.
Channel Mapping List Logical Channel, Type, and Physical Channel for
the entire board.
Double-click a channel to open a line configuration
dialog box or a trunk configuration dialog box, as
To reset the channel, select the channel to reset and
click the Reset Channel button, then click OK.
Channel Group Info Applicable to T1/E1 and MAX1000 boards only.
Double-click a channel group to open a configuration
dialog box.
To reset a channel group, select it and click the
Reset Channel Group button.
Board Configuration
Opens a configuration dialog box.
In the case of a Quantum board, opens a diagnostic
dialog box.
Reset Board button Resets the board, after you confirm.
Important! Resetting a board will disconnect all calls
in progress on that board. Be sure to inform all users
before resetting a board. Additionally, if the board is a
resource board (VoIP 12 port, VoIP 30 port, Triton
resource board, 30-party conference board), resetting
it will disconnect all calls that use the resource.