Chapter 27: Microsoft Exchange Integration
376 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
If any of these tests fail, consult the “Troubleshooting Tips” section.
Troubleshooting Tips
To check profiles
1. Log on to the AltiWare system as the AltiGen service account (for example,
AltiGen_telesystem). You will need the password you set up when you installed
2. Select Control Panel > Mail. (In Windows 2003, right-click Microsoft Office on
the Start menu, and select Properties.)
3. Click Show Profiles. Each mailbox has an account. For the test mailbox there
should be profiles named such as
(for example, AltiExchMAILSERVERSaraMelon).
If you don’t see any such profile, make sure that \altiserv\exe folder does not contain
the files mapi32.dll or gapi32.dll. If these files exist, delete them, then stop
and start the Exchange Integration Service.
To delete old profiles
If an error occurred while AltiWare was creating mail profiles, the damaged profiles
would remain there until removed manually. After the re-configuration, the new profiles
can't be created, because the old ones still exist.
You can remedy this in the following way:
1. Log on as AltiGen Service Account.
2. Shut down Altigen Exchange Integration Service from Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Services, then open Control Panel > Mail (or Mail and
Fax) and click Show Profiles. Remove all the profiles such as
AltiExch<ServerName><FirstName><LastName> (for example,
3. Delete all the files under \Altiserv\db\SynchStorage* (for example.
4. Start the AltiGen Exchange Integration Service from Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Services.
If this doesn’t work, contact AltiGen Technical Support.
To troubleshoot or double-check the server configuration
• Internet Services Manager (IIS) 2.0 and 3.0: In the Microsoft Internet
Services Manager > WWW (Running) settings, the Home directory is set to
c:\altiserv\webmgmnt (where c:\ is the local drive on which AltiWare is
installed). In the Properties for this directory, the access privileges allow Read and
• Internet Services Manager (IIS) 4.0 and higher: In Internet Services
Manager > Default Web Site > PropertiesWeb Site tab, the IP Address is set
to the address of the AltiWare server.
Under the Properties > Home Directory tab, the following configuration is
– The Local Path shows c:\altiserv\webmgmnt (where c:\ is the local drive
where AltiWare is installed). On this local path, Read and Directory Browsing
Allowed (Windows 2000) are both selected.