Kindle User’s Guide 57
Chapter 3 Reading on Kindle
Zooming In to PDF Files or Adjusting Contrast
Pressing the Text key will let you choose zoom and contrast options for a PDF page.
fit-to-screen — displays the PDF by matching the width of the page to the width of your
Kindle’s screen; this is the default (normal) size. Pressing the Back button while zoomed in
returns the view to normal size.
150% — displays the PDF contents at one and one half times the normal size.
200% — displays the PDF contents at twice the normal size.
300% — displays the PDF contents at three times the normal size.
actual size — displays the PDF at 100% zoom as it would appear when printed.
After selecting a zoom option, a selection frame appears; you can move the frame using the
5-way. To move the frame in small increments, hold down the Shift key while using the
5-way to move left or right. Once you’ve selected the area you wish to zoom into, select it by
pressing the 5-way.
Once you are zoomed in, you can use the 5-way to pan left, right, up and down within each
page. The black bars at the right and bottom of the display indicate which portion of the over-
all page you are viewing. If you press the Next Page or Previous Page buttons, the page will
change and the view will remain zoomed in. Press the Back button to dismiss the zoomed-in
view and return to normal size.
Tip: To pan in small increments, hold down the Shift key while using the 5-way.
Contrast — select a contrast option to increase or decrease the contrast of the PDF
document for easier reading. The contrast option you choose remains in effect for the
current PDF document until you change it.