Kindle User’s Guide 71
Chapter 5 The Kindle Store
Writing Your Own Ratings and Reviews
You can share your opinions with other readers by rating and reviewing the materials that you
have read. To get to this page, select “Customer Reviews” from the product detail page for
the item you want to critique, and then select “Write a Review.”
The sample screen below shows you the type of information you can enter.
Entering a Rating and Review
To enter your own rating and review, follow these steps:
1. Indicate the rating you think this item deserves by selecting the line with the appropriate
number of stars.
2. Select “Title” and enter a title for your review. Select “ok” to submit your title.
3. Select “Review” and type your review on the lines provided. Select “ok.”
4. To submit your rating and review, select “Submit.” If you want to close this page without
submitting your rating or review, select “Cancel” in the upper right corner of the page.