
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Insert the precision key stock into the vertical slot in the azimuth spring housing, see
Figure 2 (the key stock acts as a thickness (feeler) gauge) then starting with the lowest
cable tension adjusting nut, (nearest the bottom of the antenna mount) tighten each
cable until the key stock is just snug but can be slid up and down.
Key stock insertion
Key Stock Insertion
Figure 2. Detail View of Access Port
Showing Location of Precision Key Stock Insertion Point
Loosen the adjusting nut just slightly so that the key stock will move freely up and down
and allow setting clearance on subsequently adjusted cables (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Adjusting Azimuth Cable Tension
Repeat step #5 for the next cable adjusting nut(s).
Return antenna to azimuth stowing position while maintaining current antenna elevation.
From the stow position, begin counter-clockwise rotation approximately 150°. The
access port on the panning frame should now be positioned over the opposite end of the
unadjusted cable assemblies. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the cable tension adjusting nuts
now accessible.