Antenna Electrical
Operating Frequency Band
Ku-Band Receive Ku-Band Transmit
10.95-12.75 GHz 14.0-14.5 GHz
Gain at circular waveguide flange of feed
Rx Frequency Rx Gain Tx Frequency Tx Gain
11.950 GHz 47.7 14.25 GHz 49.2
Rx Frequency Rx Gain Tx Frequency Tx Gain
11.950 GHz 47.4 14.25 GHz 48.9
Polarization Linear
Polarization Discrimination, on axis >35 dB
across 1dB contour 27 dB
Beamwidth, at Midband Ku-Band
3 dB Receive (Transmit) 0.72° (0.61°)
15 dB Receive (Transmit) 1.42° (1.33°)
Antenna Noise Temperature under clear sky conditions, at 68° F
(20° C), at the circular waveguide flange of the feed.
Elevation Ku-Band (2-Port) Ku-Band (4-Port)
10° 44° 72°
30° 33° 61°
Antenna VSWR, Transmit and Receive <1.3:1
Radiation Pattern Performance PE’s #4471 and #4472
Tx Power Handling Capability
2-Port Network, maximum, W 2000
4-Port Network, maximum, W 600
Feed Interface Flanges, Receive/Transmit WR75
Isolation, minimum, Tx into Rx, dB 40 (2-Port) 85 (4-Port)
Power Density Data
Projected Width of Reflector 96 in
Area of Feed Horn Aperature 10.65 in
Focal Length 60 in
Optional Cross Axis Kit, loss, 1 dB 1XAK-LTE (1 run) 2XAK-LTE (2 runs)
All designs, specifications and availabilities of products and services
presented in this Bulletin are subject to change without notice.