Chapter 7
Use With Other Instruments
7-1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides information and instructions for using the Se
ries 681XXC Synthesized Signal Generator with other Anritsu instu
ments. It contains the following:
Instructions for interconnecting and operating any two 68XXXC
and/or 68XXXB instruments in a master-slave configuration.
Instructions for connecting the 681XXC to an Anritsu Model
56100A Scalar Network Analyzer so that it can be used as a
signal source for the analyzer.
Instructions for connecting the 681XXC to a Anritsu Model 360B
Vector Network Analyzer and configuring the signal generator so
that it can be used as a signal source for the analyzer.
Instructions for connecting the 681XXC to a Hewlett Packard
Model 8757D Scalar Network Analyzer and setting up the signal
generator so that it can be used as a signal source for the ana-
681XXC OM 7-3