Warm Up Time:
From Standby: 30 minutes.
From Cold Start (0°C): 120 hours to achieve specified
frequency stabiltiy with aging.
Instruments disconnected from ac line power for more
than 72 hours require 30 days to return to specified fre
quency stability withaging.
90-132 Vac or 180-264 Vac, 48–440 Hz, 400 VA maximum
Standby: With ac line power connected, unit is placed in
standby when front panel power switch is released from the
OPERATE position.
Weight: 23 kg maximum
RF Output Connector:
Type K female, £40 GHz models
Type V female, >40 GHz models.
Storage Temperature Range: –40°Cto+75°C.
Operating Temperature Range: 0°Cto+50°C.
Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% at 40°C.
Altitude: 4,600 meters.
Meets the radiated emission requirements of:
EN55011:1991/CISPR-11:1990 Group 1 Class A
EN 61000-4-2:1995-4kVCD,8kVAD
EN 61000-4-3:1997-3V/m
ENV 50204-3V/m
EN 61000-4-4:1995 - 0.5 kV SL, 1 kV PL
EN 61000-4-5:1995-1kVL-L, 2 kV L-E
MIL-STD-461C Part 2 RE01, RE02, CE01, CE03,
CS01, CS02, CS06, RS03
AM IN : Accepts an external signal to AM modulate the RF
output signal. Front or rear-panel input, 50W or 600W
impedance, both selectable from front-panel modulation
FM IN : Accepts an external signal to FM modulate the RF
output signal. Front or rear-panel input, 50W or 600W
impedance, both selectable from front-panel modulation
IN : Accepts an external TTL compatible signal to
pulse modulate the RF output signal. Front or rear-panel in
put, selectable from front-panel modulation menu.
EXT ALC IN (External ALC Input): Provides for leveling
the RF output signal externally with either a detector or
power meter. Signal requirements are shown in the RF Out
put specifications on page B-5.
RF OUTPUT: Provides for RF output from 50W source
impedance. K or V Connector, female. Option 9 moves the
RF Output connector to the rear panel.
10 MHz REF IN: Accepts an external 10 MHz ±100 Hz,
0 to +10 dBm time-base signal. Automatically disconnects
the internal high-stability time-base option, if installed. 50W
10 MHz REF OUT: Provides a 0.5 Vp-p, AC coupled,
10 MHz signal derived from the internal frequency standard.
50W impedance.
HORIZ OUT (Horizontal Sweep Output): Provides 0V at
beginning and +10V at end of sweep for all sweep modes,
regardless of sweep width. In CW mode, the voltage is pro
portional to frequency between 0V at low end and +10V at
the high end of range. In CW mode, if CW RAMP is en
abled, a repetitive, 0V to +10V ramp is provided.
B-8 681XXC OM
Input/Output Connectors
Nomenclature Type Location
AM IN BNC Front & Rear Panel
FM IN BNC Front & Rear Panel
IN BNC Front & Rear Panel
EXT ALC IN BNC Front & Rear Panel
Standard-Front Panel
Option 9-Rear Panel
10 MHz REF IN BNC Rear Panel
10 MHz REF OUT BNC Rear Panel
AUX I/O 25-pin D-type Rear Panel
SERIAL I/O RJ45 Rear Panel
IEEE-488 GPIB Type 57 Rear Panel