GPIB address Dip switch Sets the address when the instrument is remotely controlled by GPIB. It is usually set to .
SYSTEM CONTROL switch When this switch is set to ' ON ' , this instrument control other one.
GPIB connector Connector for GPIB cable. (The cable is connected when the instrument is remotely controlled by GPIB.)
FUNCTION Dip switch It is possible to select functions noted rear panel.
Error ADDITION CH Selects which of the 32 channels an error is to be added.
INTERNAL SYNTHESIZER Internal CLOCK output connector when OPTION 01 installed.
CLOCK INPUT Clock signal input connector. (When the internal synthesizer is used, this connector is connected to the INT. SYNTHE
OUTPUT connector.)
STD 10 MHz When OPTION 01 (internal synthesizer) is used, synthesizes the other signals and the internal synthesizer.
10 MHz TTL level
1/8 SPEED output connector 1/8 DATA and 1/8 CLOCK output connector (ECL level)
Note: When OPTION 03 (1/4 SPEED OUTPUT) is installed, this connector becomes the 1/4 DATA, 1/4 CLOCK output
GATING signal input connector 0/-1 V 50 Ω
Alternate pattern A/B switching ECL level 50 Ω
Timing I-O connector
Error addition control connector 0/-1 V 50 Ω
Power inlet
Functional earth terminal Connected to the earth terminal of an instrument connected to this instrument.
Fuse holder
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5 4 3 2 1