4.4.6 Floppy disk
(a) Disk type
The floppy disk is formatted in standard MS-DOS format provided by the MS-DOS file handler. The formatted
floppy disk is data disk type. This is because the MS-DOS file handler does not copy the MS-DOS system.
A system disk containing the MS-DOS system can also be used to store data.
(b) Volume label
A volume label is added when the floppy disk is formatted.
Volume label: MP1763A
This volume label is provided to identify the floppy disk.
(c) File structure
• Directory structure
Root directory only.
• File name, extender
The file name and extender have the following format:
File name TTXX
00 99 (file name)
Extender PTN: Pattern file
OTH: Parameter file other than pattern file
(Example) TT99.PTN
(d) Data format
As a rule, the data stored on a floppy disk is not released.
Therefore, operation is not guaranteed even when data was generated and modified by using a personal computer
controlled by MS-DOS. However, checking the file directory and copying of files are no problem.
(e) Compatiblity
It is possible for MP1763C PPG to use ' PTN ' file mode by MP1764A/C ED. ' OTH ' file is not used.
It is impossible for MP1763C to read file made by old type PPG, for example MP1701B, MP1608A and MP1652A.
4.4.7 Floppy disk precautions
• Do not remove a floppy disk from the floppy disk drive while it is being accessed.
• Observe the specified environmental conditions and do not use the floppy disk in dusty places.
• Clean head of floppy disk drive with 3.5 inch head cleaning disk set regularly.
• Do not place a magnetized object near the floppy disk and do not bend the floppy disk.
• Files saved by the MP1763C Pulse Pattern Generator cannot be loaded into other models.