Getting Help Along the Way
If you need help—or simply want more
information—you can always click the
icon on any screen. This brings up a Help
window, which you can keep at the side
of the Server Assistant window or Server
Preferences pane. As you move through
installation and setup, you’ll see the Help
information change to support you—
wherever you are in the process.
Scenario 4: Leopard Server on an Xserve for a Workgroup at a
Medium-to-Large Business with an Existing Server Infrastructure
You work at a larger company, but your workgroup has its own thing going on and
needs to have things a certain way. No problem. With just a little information from your
IT department, you’ll be able to set up and maintain a server for your workgroup with
outstanding autonomy and exibility.
Required Equipment
• Xserve (or other Mac capable of running Leopard Server)
• Four or more Macintosh computers running Leopard for your users
• Permission from your company’s IT department to run an Open Directory Replica server
This scenario assumes that you have the correct DNS name or IP address of your
company’s Open/Active Directory Master server and permission from your IT
department to set up a Mac running Leopard Server for your workgroup.
The Internet
Mac OS X server
Organization-wide servers
Windows computersMac OS X computers Airport Extreme
or Time Capsule