• Simple Client Machine Conguration. On each Client machine, run the
Directory Utility program in /Applications/Utilities. Click the lock icon and enter
the administrator name and password for that machine. It should automatically
nd the available Directory Server and oer to congure your machine (see above).
If not, click the
icon and select your server’s name from the Server Name or IP
Address menu. Click OK. Once you see the screen above, click Begin Setup.
And just like that, your workgroup has a powerful collaboration tool at its
command. What’s more, you’ll be able to share your server’s web address
(http://yourserver.example.com) with others outside your workgroup if you’d
like. Keep everyone in the loop with blogs and wikis.
Meanwhile, within the workgroup, get to work with your own IM, schedule meetings
on iCal, and share and secure your documents with your le and backup server.