Adjustments for a network printer
If you are using a printer that is part of a network, be sure to
m make AppleTalk active in the Chooser
m select LocalTalk or EtherTalk in the Network control panel
m select the icon for your printer in the Chooser (upper-left side)
m select the printer’s name in the Chooser (upper-right side)
For instructions, see “How do I print?” in the “Printing & Fonts” topic area
of Macintosh Guide, available in the Guide (h) menu.
Adjustments for sharing a modem and printer
If you are using a printer alternately with an external modem (through the
printer/external modem port), you may need to cancel some modem options
before printing. Be sure to
m remove the X from the box labeled “Use internal modem instead of
Modem Port” in the Express Modem control panel. (See the next section,
“Connecting a Modem,” for details.)
m turn off automatic answer in the fax software
m turn off automatic answer in Apple Remote Access (if you have installed
that software)
For instructions, see the manuals for your modem and communications or
fax software.
Connecting a modem
Apple offers optional, low-power, internal fax/data modems for your
Macintosh PowerBook. See the modem manual for information about your
You can also connect an external modem to any of the following:
m the printer/external modem port on the PowerBook
m the external modem or printer port on a Duo MiniDock
m the external modem or printer port on a Duo Dock Plus
Chapter 3