m Start the computer, holding down the Shift key until you see the message
“Extensions off” in the Welcome to Macintosh box. If the computer starts
up, turn to “Checking Your System Software Extensions” in Chapter 7.
About the codes in error messages: The number codes in error messages are
used in software development. Sometimes they can help a technician narrow
down the source of a problem. However, the codes are usually too general or
technical in nature to help you diagnose a problem yourself.
When the computer starts up, a message says there is not enough memory.
m There may not be enough memory to load all the system software
extensions you’ve installed. Restart the computer, holding down the Shift
key until you see the message “Extensions off” in the Welcome to
Macintosh box. Then try the following to increase available memory:
m Reduce the size of the disk cache in the Memory control panel.
m If you use a RAM disk, reduce its size or turn it off in the Memory
control panel.
m Remove any system software extensions you don’t need from the
Extensions folder (inside the System Folder).
m Tu rn on virtual memory in the Memory control panel.
You need to restart the computer for these changes to take effect.
m If these suggestions don’t work, you can increase memory by installing a
RAM expansion card in your computer. See the Te ch n ical Information
booklet that came with your computer for instructions.
The computer freezes during operation or it won’t restart.
m If the computer freezes, you can try to “force” the program you’re using to
quit by simultaneously pressing the keys x, Option, and Esc on your
keyboard. Then click Force Quit in the dialog box that appears. (Note:
Unsaved changes in any open documents will be lost.) Immediately save
all open documents, quit all other open programs, and restart the
m Press the reset button (marked with the icon I) on the back panel.
Note: You will lose any work you have not saved.
Chapter 6