26 Chapter 2 Getting to Know Your Mac mini
Using Applications
Your Mac mini comes with software applications, including the iLife suite of
applications, for doing things like sending email, surfing the Internet, chatting online,
organizing music and digital photos, making movies, and much more.
For more information about these applications, see the Welcome to Tiger booklet that
came with your computer. For more information about a particular application, open
the application, then open the help for the application. The Learn About section is a
good place to start.
When an Application Does Not Respond
On rare occasions, an application may freeze on your screen. Mac OS X provides a way
to quit an application that’s not responding without restarting your computer. Quitting
a frozen application may allow you to save your work in other open applications.
To force an application to quit:
1 Press Command (x)-Option-Esc or choose Apple () > Force Quit from the menu bar.
The Force Quit Applications dialog appears with the application selected.