42 Chapter 3 Using Your Mac mini
AirPort Express and AirPort Extreme Base Station
Use an AirPort Express to play iTunes music over your wireless network to your home
stereo or powered speakers. With an AirPort Extreme Base Station or AirPort Express,
you can also share a broadband Internet connection for up to 10 users and a USB
printer. (Wireless printing over USB requires a compatible printer.)
Important: To ensure you have an adequate AirPort signal, don’t place anything on top
of your Mac mini. Placing objects on top of the computer can interfere with the AirPort
signal. See the instructions that came with your AirPort Extreme Base Station or AirPort
Express to learn about avoiding interference. For more information, go to the Apple
Service & Support website at www.apple.com/support.
For More Information About AirPort
To purchase an AirPort Express or AirPort Extreme Base Station, contact your Apple
Authorized Reseller, visit an Apple Store retail location, or go to the online Apple Store
at www.apple.com/store. Additional information about AirPort is available in AirPort
Help. Choose Help > Mac Help, then choose Library > AirPort Help.