
Chapter 2 Get started 13
System Preferences
System Preferences is where you personalize your MacBook Air settings. For example, use
Energy Saver preferences to change sleep settings. Or use Desktop & Screen Saver preferences
to add a desktop picture or choose a screen saver.
Customize your MacBook Air. Click the System Preferences icon in the Dock, or choose
Apple menu > System Preferences. Then click the type of preference you want to set.
Menu bar
Use the menus and icons along the top of the screen to open new windows, connect to a Wi-Fi
network, check your Wi-Fi status , change the volume , check your battery charge , and
perform other tasks.
Search Mac Help.
Open Spotlight.
View Notifications.
Find anything on your Mac—and beyond. Spotlight searches your MacBook Air, as well as
other sources like Wikipedia, Maps, weather, stocks, and sports. For information about what you
can do with Spotlight, see Search with Spotlight.
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