Mikael Salomon, ASC -
Director of The Company and The Andromeda Strain
“I'm very pleased with the nal look of the six-hour miniseries The Company,
which we shot in Canada, Hungary and Puerto Rico under very varied circum-
“I've had questions from industry professionals asking how much was digital
and how much was shot on lm. Great surprise when they learn that it was
all digital except for a few slo-mo shots - the lm intercuts seamlessly with the
digital images.”
“Ridley [Scott] asked me to direct another miniseries and we decided - once
again - to go with the ARRI digital camera. We're currently shooting in the
Vancouver and getting great feedback on dailies.”
“I've been elding calls from DP's interested in using the ARRI digital camera
system. As I tell them, the best recommendation is that I'm using it again!”
The Company; from left to right:
Michael Zimbrich (1st AD), Ben Nott (Cinematographer),
Michael Carella (A Cam OP), Michael Salomon (Director)
Photo: Jan Thijs © Turner Broadcasting 2006