
A True ARRI Camera
The D-21 is a true ARRI camera; it runs silently and has the same robust construc-
tion and ergonomic design ARRI cameras are famous for. Its controls are also
simple and straightforward for fast and safe operation.
The D-21 is also compatible with a broad selection of lm accessories. Mount-
ed on a standard sliding baseplate, the D-21 shares matte box, support rod and
follow focus options with the ARRI 35 mm lm cameras.
The extensive range of available accessories allows the D-21 to be congured
for any style of shooting. A studio setup might involve a production matte box
and follow focus, extension eyepiece with leveler and a heavy zoom lens, while a
stripped-down setup would permit handheld or Steadicam shooting.
The FEM-2, a Functional Expansion Module that attaches to the side of the
D-21, houses a built-in radio module for lens and camera control with the ARRI
Wireless Remote System (WRS). It also contains motor drive electronics that
allow the ARRI Controlled Lens Motors (CLM) to be plugged directly into the D-21,
minimizing the number of boxes attached to the camera.
The D-21's modular system architecture allows upgrading when advances in
sensor, electronics or rmware technology become available, thus ensuring a long
product cycle for the camera.
Lens motors plug directly into the FEM-2 portion of the D-21,
which can also accommodate the Universal Radio Module
URM-3 for wireless lens and camera remote control.