Note: The display shows full T-stops followed by the
tenth of a T-stop. Example: T-stop 2.8 plus half
a T-stop is shown as 2.8_5. The tenths of a T-stop
are linearly divided between the two full T-stop
By pressing the SET button, the automatically adjusted
mirror shutter angle can be shown in the first display line.
Note The following warnings may be displayed:
‘IRIS TBL’ – a valid iris table has not yet been
readings with ‘NO’ in the first display line
indicate that the selected function is currently
not available (example: ‘NO IRIS’ although the
iris control is activated on the WRC-1, the iris
motor has not yet been connected);
readings with ‘RANGE’ in the second display
line indicate that the adjustment range of a
parameter has been exceeded (example: the
selected speed is not available with this camera);
readings with ‘OFF’ in the first display line
indicate that this function is deactivated on the
camera (example: shutter angle of the 435 is
set manually = ‘OFF ANGLE’).
Correct parameters must be set before the
camera is started!
With most lenses, the T-stops before the end-stops
are not exact due to the tolerances involved. In
order to avoid incorrect exposure, the adjusted
iris range should not contain these values.
With the iris wide open a lens-related reduction
in brightness towards the edge of the image
may occur, looking like an incorrect exposure.
The exact values are dependent on the lens type
and must be determined with test shots.
Controlling the Camera Speed