• Loading factory-defined or previously programmed lenses:
Press the SEL button and select the required lens set
using the handwheel.
Display: Lens set:
UP ARRI Zeiss Ultra Primes
VAr P ARRI Zeiss Variable Primes
HS 35 ARRI Zeiss High-speed set for 35mm film
Std35 ARRI Zeiss Standard set for 35mm film
HS 16 ARRI Zeiss High-speed set for 16mm film
User lenses previously defined by the user
Confirm the selection by pressing the SEL button.
Choose the required focal length using the handwheel
and confirm the selection by pressing the SET button.
Then calibrate the lens by pressing the CAL button on
the WMU-1
and set the displayed T-stop value (‘ADJ’ is shown in
the first display line) using the handwheel. Check the
T-stop on the lens.
Confirm by pressing the SET button.
Check the other available T-stops by adjusting them
with the handwheel.
• Defining iris tables for other lenses:
To avoid operational errors, turn the handwheel until
‘TBL DEL’ appears in order to delete an iris table which
may already have been set.
Press the SEL button – ‘DEL’ flashes on the display.
Press the SET button to confirm – ‘DONE’ is displayed
for a second.
Then turn the handwheel until ‘TBL EDIT’ is displayed
and confirm by pressing the SEL button.
Turn the handwheel to the left until the first T-stop given
on the iris ring of the lens being used is shown in the
second line of the display.
This must be a full T-stop from the standard T-stop range.
Then press the SEL button.
‘ADJ’ now flashes in the first line of the display.
Set the iris ring to the displayed value using the handwheel.
The T-stop value is programmed by pressing the SET button.
This is indicated in the first line by an ‘I’ next to ‘TBL’.
In case you need to delete a wrong assignment, press
the SET button again. The ‘I’ next to ‘TBL’ disappears
Turn the handwheel again until the next value given on
the iris ring of the lens being used is shown on the display.
Program this and the next values as described above.
If the iris scale of the lens being used is linear, it is
sufficient to enter just two T-stop values, which must
Quick Guide