
IntraCore IC3624PWR Layer 2 PoE Switch with Dual Gigabit
There are four commands available on this menu.
Static Address Table Display and configure the static MAC address table.
Display MAC Address By Port Display MAC address table for a specified port
Display MAC Address by MAC Display MAC address in order of MAC address.
Display MAC Address by VID Display MAC address table for a specified VLAN ID.
The following figures show an instance of Static Address Table. There are 3 entries on the table. Two commands are
available to add or remove an entry. The following is an example of adding an entry:
Enter MAC Address(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) > 00:12:34:99:ab:ef <ENTER>
Add new entry->Enter port number > 10 <ENTER>
Add new entry->Enter VLAN ID> 50 <ENTER>
A new entry appears:
00:12:34:99:AB:EF 10 50
The following is an example of removing an entry:
Hit key D
Enter MAC Address(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) > 00:11:ab:00:33:55 <ENTER>
Delete entry->Enter VLAN ID> 30 <ENTER>
Display MAC Address by Port, MAC, and VID
As the number of hosts increase on a network, the Forwarding Database increases. You can view the MAC
addresses: by a specified port, sorted by MAC address, or by a specified VLAN. Each one of these has a specified
Age-Out time command to remove a non-recently-used entry. The modification of this timer affects the entire switch.
The age-out time is the amount of time that an entry stays in the bridge table. The range is between 10 seconds and
1,000,000 seconds. The default is 300 seconds.
6.2.7 SNTP Configuration
Depending on the business model, Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) synchronizes the network and the services
provided. You determine network performance according to the types of services needed by network management
systems and engineering resources.