
IntraCore IC3624PWR Layer 2 PoE Switch with Dual Gigabit
The following tables define the global information that is access and configure through this submenu.
Global MSTP Status: The status of global multiple spanning tree protocol. Enable indicates that MSTP is
running. Disable indicates that MSTP is not running.
Protocol Version: The protocol can be one of three versions, SPT (Spanning Tree), RSPT (Rapid
Spanning Tree), and MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree).
MST Configuration
The name of MSPT region, this must be identical to other switches in order to have
VLAN work cross-switch.
MST Revision Level: The version of MSPT region, this must be identical to other switches in order to have
VLAN work cross-switch.
MST Config Digest: The digest value of configuration data to increase the security.
Enable/Disable Global MSTP Enables or disables the switch-wide MSTP.
Set MSTP Protocol Version:
Sets the protocol as SPT (Spanning Tree), RSPT (Rapid Spanning Tree) and
MSPT (Multiple Spanning Tree)
Set MSTP Configuration
Sets the configuration name
Set MSTP Revision Level: Sets the revision level
The Common Instant Spanning Tree Configuration Menu allows you to configure the switch-wide parameters, such
as Cist Hello Time, Cist Maximum Age, Cist Forward Delay, and so on.