Page 3-10
Current Settings
Table 3-4 describes each setting on the System IP Configuration Menu.
Table 3-4 System IP settings
Changing System IP Information
To change the IP address, subnet mask, or default router of the IntraCore
8000, use the following procedure.
1 Open the System IP Configuration Menu by typing i in
the Configuration Menu.
2 Type the command letter of the option you want to
3 Type the new address at the prompt.
See Table 3-4 for a description of each address.
I Important: Follow the format:
To cancel a change, press ctrl-c at the command prompt.
4 Press Return.
The IP setting change for the IntraCore 8000 takes effect.
5 Type q to quit and return to the Configuration Menu.
Setting Description
System IP Address The IP (Internet Protocol) address of the IntraCore 8000.
System Subnet Mask The filter that determines how the IntraCore 8000 IP address is
split into network and host portions.
System Default Router The IP address of the default router for the IntraCore 8000.