
Unicast Forwarding Database Configuration
Page 3-37
If the address is located, it is displayed, with its associated information, as
shown in Figure 3-20. If the address is not located, a message appears,
stating this.
Figure 3-20 MAC Address Search summary
The Search Summary screen tells the location of the MAC or IP address, the
module, port, and the Domain Name. Configuration information, such as the
type, age, and priority are also displayed.
Setting the MAC Address Age-Out Time
This option sets the Age-Out Time for the MAC Forwarding Table.
The Age-Out Time is the number of seconds that addresses remain in the
table after being learned by the IntraCore 8000. The default is 300 seconds.
Use the following procedure to set the MAC address Age-Out Time.
1 Access the Unicast Forwarding Database Configuration
Menu by typing d in the Configuration Menu.
2 Type t to set the MAC Address Age-Out Time.
3 Enter the new Age-Out time (in seconds) at the prompt.
4 Press Return.
The MAC Address Age-Out Time is changed and is displayed at the top of
the Unicast Forwarding Database Configuration Menu.
The MAC Address Search Summary
Module: 1
Port: 6
Type: Dynamic
Age: 200
Priority: 0
MAC Address: 00:00:94:11:12:13
IP Address:
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