IMPORTANT: The usage displayed on the data usage set-
tings screen is measured by your tablet. Your carrier’s data
usage accounting may differ. Usage in excess of your car-
rier plan’s data limits can result in steep overage charges.
The feature described here can help you track your usage,
but is not guaranteed to prevent additional charges. For
best results, set a conservative limit.
View or restrict data usage by app
Some apps transfer data in the background—that is, when you’re
not actually using the app, it may download data for future refer-
ence. Restricting background data usage for individual apps can
sometimes be a useful way to reduce your overall data usage.
However, this is a drastic measure that may also affect the app’s
performance or cause it to malfunction. Check whether data us-
age can be restricted from the app’s own settings (available from
within the app) before restricting it here.
1. Make sure you’re viewing the network for which you want to
view or restrict app data usage. If more than one is displayed,
you can switch between them by touching tabs at the top of
the screen.
2. Scroll down to nd the app whose data usage you want to view.
The blue bar for each app indicates its total data usage for
the cycle displayed above the main graph, near the top of the
3. To see more details for an app, touch its name.
The main graph switches to show just this app’s data usage for
the specied cycle. Below the main graph, a pie chart breaks
out foreground versus background data usage for this app.