You may need an adapter to connect the keyboard or other device
to your tablet’s USB port. To connect more than one USB device
at a time, use a powered USB hub to reduce the drain on your tab-
let’s battery.
IMPORTANT: Using external devices such as keyboards via
USB will cause a signicant additional drain on your bat-
tery, as will continuous use of a mouse via Bluetooth.
You pair and connect Bluetooth input devices to your tablet in the
same way as any other Bluetooth device.
In addition to entering text, you can use your keyboard to navigate
your tablet’s features:
• Use the arrow keys to select items on screen.
• Pressing Return when an item is selected is equivalent to
touching that item.
• Pressing Escape is equivalent to touching Back.
• Press Tab or Shift-Tab to move from eld to eld in a form or
other screen with multiple text elds.
When you connect a mouse to your tablet and move the mouse,
an arrow-shaped cursor appears, just as on a computer:
• Use the mouse to move the cursor.
• Clicking, pressing, and dragging with the mouse button is
equivalent to touching, touching & holding, and dragging with
your nger.