Voice Search & Voice Actions
You can initiate a Voice Search or Voice Action in several ways:
• Touch the
Microphone icon in the Google Chrome omnibox.
• Touch the
Microphone icon on the Home screen or Google
Now screen and speak.
• Touch the search bar on the Home screen and say “Google”.
• When you’re viewing the Google Now screen, you don’t have to
touch anything. Just say “Google.”
Next, speak the terms to search for or the Voice Action to per-
form. For more details on Voice Actions, see “Use Voice Actions”
on page 37.
The ability to trigger a search or action by saying “Google” is
called hotword detection. To turn it off or on, start from the
Google Now screen and touch Menu > Settings > Voice > Hotword
IMPORTANT: To detect when you say “Google” to launch
Voice Search or Voice Actions, Google analyzes sound
picked up by your tablet’s microphone in intervals of a few
seconds or less. The sound is immediately discarded after
analysis and is not stored on the device or sent to Google.
For more information about Voice Actions, see “Use Voice Actions”
on page 37 and ”Voice Actions commands” on page 38.
Search by typing
Type your query in the search box on the Home or Google Now
screen, or in Google Chrome’s omnibox.