After completing the setup process, you’ll encounter several over-
lays that explain how to use various features on your tablet. To
dismiss an overlay, swipe right and double-tap OK.
Use TalkBack
TalkBack provides spoken feedback to help you navigate your
tablet, describing what you touch and activate.
Note: Sighted assistance is needed for users with no vision to en-
able TalkBack if it wasn’t turned on during the initial setup.
To turn TalkBack off or on:
1. Go to Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack.
2. Slide the TalkBack switch to the On or Off position.
3. Touch OK to turn on TalkBack.
4. When asked if you want to enable Explore by Touch, touch OK
only if you want to change the way your tablet works and have
your tablet describe each item that your nger moves over on
the screen.
When you turn on Talkback, spoken feedback starts immediately.
As you navigate your tablet, TalkBack describes your actions and
alerts you of notications and other occurrences.
If you also enabled Explore by Touch, moving your nger around
the screen triggers a description of each item it touches. Double-
tap activates the last spoken item, and swipe with two ngers to
perform swiping actions that normally require just one nger.