
Specifications are subject to change without notice
1601 JACK MCKAY BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. • TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333 • FAX: (800) 765-3435
©2005 ATLAS SOUND LP Printed in U.S.A. ATS002102 RevC 9/05 PP
9. Stereo/Parallel/Bridge Switch
This 3 position switch changes the operating mode of the CP700. DO NOT move this switch when the
amplifi er is powered up and connected to a load!
Stereo - When the switch is in this position, the CP700 operates as two independent amplifi ers.
Use this position for stereo program material or for two discreet paging/sound masking zones.
Parallel - When the switch is in this position and a mono input signal is to be used, connect the
input wiring to either channel one OR channel two. The one input signal will drive both amp
channels. Use this position when two speaker zones are being fed by a mono signal.
(See note below)
Bridge - When the switch is in this position, connect your mono input signal to channel one
ONLY. The speaker load is connected across the two positive terminals as shown in Figure 7 on
page 10. The CP700 will deliver approximately twice the voltage across the load. Please
observe the minimum load specifi cation when operating in Bridge mode.
10. CH1/CH2, Low Impedance Speaker Outputs
The CP700 direct speaker outputs bypass the internal constant voltage transformers and are used
for direct connection to loudspeakers. The CP700 will operate into 2, 4, and 8 Ohm loads. The use of
appropriately sized spade lugs is recommended for speaker wire termination; connect the speaker line
common to the "-" terminal and the positive lead to the "+" terminal.
For high power applications, use the proper gauge wire for the speaker connections. Contact Atlas
Sound Tech Support (1-800-876-3333) for assistance in determining the proper size wire.
11. CH1/CH2, 25/70.7/100V Speaker Outputs
The CP700 will drive constant voltage speaker loads for use in commercial business music/paging
systems and sound masking systems. The use of spade lugs for terminating and connecting the
speaker home runs is recommended. The speaker line common connects to the "0" terminal and the
positive lead connects to whatever voltage your system requires for proper operation.
Calculating Constant Voltage Loads
To calculate the maximum quantity of transformer coupled loudspeakers you can safely connect to the
CP700, fi rst add up the total number of speakers that will be connected to one channel of the CP700,
then multiply that total speaker number by the tap setting you plan to use. The result will be the load
in watts that the amp output channel will see. It is good engineering practice to leave a 20% margin
below the maximum rated output power of the CP700. In this case, one channel of the CP700 can
supply 350W of power at 70.7V, so derate this by 20%, leaving 280W of power available for constant
voltage speakers.
Note: A 6dB loss of output power will occur when operating in parallel mode. To over come this loss,
connect the positive terminal on input 1 to the positive terminal on input 2 and connect the negative
terminal on input 1 to the minus terminal on input 2. Short lengths of 22 gauge wire can be used.