DHCP Server Administration
Issue 5 April 2010 51
Activating the Leases
Use the following procedure to activate the leases.
● Click Activate under the Scope menu.
The light-bulb icon for the scope lights.
Verifying Your Configuration
This section describes how to verify that the 1600OPTION is correctly configured for the
Windows NT
4.0 DHCP server.
Note: Although this configuration represents that for 1600 Series IP Telephones, the file
remains as 46XXOPTIONS. This allows shared use by 4600, 9600, and 1600
Series IP Telephones.
Verify the Default Option, 242 1600OPTION
1. Select Start-->Programs-->Admin Tools-->DHCP Manager.
2. Expand Local Machine in the DHCP servers window by double clicking until the + sign
changes to a - sign.
3. In the DHCP servers frame, click the scope for the IP telephone.
4. Select Defaults from the DHCP_Options menu.
5. In the Option Name pull-down list, select 242 1600OPTION.
6. Verify that the Value String box contains the correct string from DHCP Server
If not, update the string and click the OK button twice.
Verify the Scope Option, 242 1600OPTION
1. Select Scope under DHCP OPTIONS.
2. In the Active Options: scroll list, click 242 1600OPTION.
3. Click the Value button.
4. Verify that the Value String box contains the correct string from DHCP Generic Setup
page 44.
If not, update the string and click the OK button.