Server Administration
58 Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphones Administrator Guide
Web Configuration Tool
Recent call server versions provide all the Web configuration support the 1600 Series IP
Telephones require. Also, the media server has an easy to use, PC-based interface for creating
script files. Given these resources, you do not need to manually create the text files discussed
in 16
00 Series IP Telephone Scripts and Application Files. For more information about the
media server, see Installation and Upgrades for Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300
Media Server, available on the Avaya support Web site.
Table 8:
1600 Series IP Telephone Customizable System Parameters lists the parameters you
can administer when manually creating the configuration file. Manual administration is
discussed in 16
00 Series IP Telephone Scripts and Application Files. When using the media
server, you do not need to know the specific parameter names, since the media server handles
that. For more information, Table 7
lists the parameter names from 1600 Series IP Telephone
Customizable System Parameters and the corresponding field name from the media server
HTTP server application. Any limits, restrictions, etc. about the parameters are built into the
media server.
Note: The Web Configuration application covers other IP telephones in addition to the
1600 Series IP Telephones. This document covers only data applicable to 1600
Series IP Telephones.
Table 7: Media Server Field Names & Corresponding Script File Parameter
Media Server Field Name Script File Parameter Name
Handset Audio Gain Control Status AGCHAND
Headset Audio Gain Control Status AGCHEAD
Speaker Audio Gain Control Status AGCSPKR
Application Status APPSTAT
Script File Server Authentication
Note: Applicable only when configuration file
downloaded using HTTPS. Not applicable if file
downloaded using HTTP.
Idle Time Before Backlight Turnoff BAKLIGHTOFF
Backup and Restore URI BRURI
CNA Server Addresses CNASRVR
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