Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 25-23
80-Series QoS
The command syntax is:
Standard ACL (configure)# access-list <access-list-name> <access-list-index>
{permit [{use-priority <priority> | use-diffserv [mask] | remark-diffserv
<dscp> [mask] | use-l2}] | deny | fwd1 | fwd2 | fwd3 | fwd4 | fwd5 | fwd6 |
fwd7 | fwd8} {<source-ip-addr> <source-wildcard> | any | host <source-
Extended ACL (configure)# access-list <access-list-name> <access-list-index>
{permit [{use-priority <priority> | use-diffserv [mask] | remark-diffserv
<dscp> [mask] | use-l2}] | deny | fwd1 | fwd2 | fwd3 | fwd4 | fwd5 | fwd6 |
fwd7 | fwd8} <protocol-id> {<source-ip-addr> <source-wildcard> | any |
host <source-ip-addr>} [{lt <port> | eq <port> | gt <port> | range <port>
<port>}] {<dest-ip-addr> <dest-wildcard> | any | host <dest-ip-addr>} [{lt
<port> | eq <port> | gt <port> | range <port> <port>}] [established]
Arguments, and
Table 25-14. Keywords, Arguments, and Options
Keyword, Argument or
<access-list-name> A unique name that identifies the access
control list.
<access-list-index> The unique rule number within the access list.
permit Forwards the packet without changing its
use-priority Assigns the priority that you define in the
following <priority> parameter to the packet.
<priority> The priority that you want to assign to packets
that match this ACL. Enter a number between
0 and 7.
use-diffserv Classifies traffic by the DSCP in the packet.
[mask] Masks the three least significant bits of the
If you mask the three least significant bits of
the DSCP, the switch recognizes the
remaining bits as the precedence field of the
type of service (TOS) field and classifies the
packets accordingly.
remark-diffserv Replaces the DSCP in the packet with the
DSCP that you enter for the following
<dscp> parameter.
The switch uses the DSCP that you enter for
the <dscp> parameter to classify the packet.
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