Document No. 10-300077, Issue 2 2-35
Setting Up the Switch
Changing the TCP Ports for HTTP and Telnet
For security purposes, you may want to change the TCP port number for
Telnet requests and HTTP requests. The default settings for these ports are
the well-known TCP ports. HTTP requests use TCP port 80, and Telnet
requests use TCP port 23.
Once you change the TCP port number for HTTP, only users who know the
new port number can open the Web Agent. And once you change the TCP
port for Telnet, only users who know the new port number can start Telnet
sessions to the switch.
When you change the TCP port number for either of these protocols, the
change takes effect immediately and all connections through the previous
port number are disconnected. Any changes that you make to these TCP
port numbers are retained if you reset the switch or if the primary supervisor
module fails over to the standby supervisor.
This section contains procedures for the following tasks:
■ Changing the TCP Port Number for HTTP and Telnet Requests
■ Starting a Telnet Session
■ Opening the Web Agent
You must have administrative privilege to view or change the TCP port for
HTTP or Telnet.
Changing the TCP Port Number for HTTP and Telnet
Web Agent
To change the TCP port for HTTP requests or Telnet requests by using the
Web Agent:
1. In the navigation pane, expand the System > Administration folders.
2. Click TCP ports.
The TCP Ports Web page is displayed in the content pane. See Figure 2-