Chapter 6 Trunk Spans and Dialing Rules
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 6-3
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
The trunks.cnf file contains configuration information concerning the type of
Trunk Spans installed in your CPSEE_TSP500. It assigns the “protocol” to
use (on a per span basis) when bringing up the CPSEE_TSP500.
Although multiple spans may reside on a single NMS board, the
CPSEE_TSP500 views each span as an individual entity. Each span must be
configured with the specific NMS protocol that will be used for that span.
Each span assignment also contains the letter “T” or “D.” “D” stands for
Digital Station and is used to assign agent stations to remote phones over a
digital TIE line. The “T” specifies that the span be used for normal Out-
bound, Inbound, or Third Party trunks.
This file is built automatically by the TSP Configurator.