Chapter 7 The TSP Configuration Tool
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 7-15
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Distinguishes between a CPS and CPS Enterprise Edition TSP and identifies
the location for the TSP Configuration files to be saved.
The editing session starts immediately following this screen. To modify the
configuration of a system, you must answer the following questions:
Encore and Conferencing Information
If the number of each card type has not been changed then the number of
Encore Ports and Conference Bridges will be the currently stored value. If
the number of each card type has been changed then the number of Encore
Ports and Conference Bridge will be re-calculated. Unless directed by Engi-
neering, these values should not be changed.
Card Information
The Trunk Cards section lists
only the card types currently
:If zero is entered for all card
types, you will be prompted
to enter the number of net-
work trunks (excluding sta-
tions) that are on the system.